About Us
Our Background & Values
Founded in 1993, Frosch Learning has a proven track record in delivering results to all types of businesses.
We work with both large/blue-chip businesses and SMEs throughout Europe, Australia and the Middle East, specialising in helping organisations surpass their competitors in three core areas of business activity.
We help corporations:
▪ Win the business they want
▪ Lead and manage their people effectively
▪ Keep their most important Customers
Our People
Every member of our team holds extensive experience in sales and management roles and possesses a proven track record in their field. We are all “Frosched” and great believers in practising what we preach. Our teams of Specialist Consultants and Trainers not only work exclusively within our industry specialities, but also remain involved in day-to-day sales to ensure that our training approaches are current and relevant to you.
Who We’ve Worked With
Over the last 20 years, thousands of people across a wide variety of industry sectors have been specially trained by Frosch Learning and are now reaping the rewards. To read what some of our clients say about us or to view Frosch Learning’s Sector Expertise, click here.
Our Values
We founded Frosch Learning in a recession! Our Clients wanted to know where they needed to change and the best ways of doing so. The three values that helped our clients then are equally valid today. They are:
Frosch Learning prides itself as being an implementation consultancy. All of our training programmes are followed up, tracked and measured. We are constantly developing our programmes to meet current market conditions so that sales teams and their managers are all at the top of their game to compete successfully and achieve the results required.
Honesty and respect
At Frosch Learning, we are acknowledged for our honest feedback. Our recommendations are made based on what we feel will produce the most noticeable difference in results within your business. We pride ourselves on providing high quality, constructive and honest feedback to our clients throughout each stage of every process to ensure your company becomes the best that it can be.
Passion for Results
At Frosch Learning, we take great pride in the results we deliver for our clients. Our passion for results is apparent through our high percentage of business generation through recommendations and long standing clients. To read more about what our clients say about our first class training programmes, click here.