Businesses utilise various means of attracting new clients. Many firms might attempt to hone their advertising techniques or polish their social media strategy. However, helpful though these methods can be, looking at the bigger picture entails considering existing clients, too.

After all, a current client can bring you much more profit than a new one, Small Business Trends observes.  Here are some ways you can look after those clients for your firm’s ultimate benefit.

Use a client’s time wisely

Your clients are busy and so eager to squeeze as much as possible from what time they have. Therefore, they are unlikely to appreciate it if they believe you are wasting their time.

So, if a client expresses a wish to meet up with you, resist telling them simply to “drop by”. They could too easily turn up when you are busy and so need to keep them waiting. Instead, invite them to schedule an appointment with you.

Keep meetings face-to-face as often as possible

Informing a client when there’s a blunder can prove a crucial part of helping to preserve the health of your relationship with that client. However, you should hold off reaching for the phone and especially fire off an email, in which you could struggle to translate your feelings accurately.

Instead, you should – wherever possible – arrange a face-to-face chat with the client. This is also a good idea for meetings where you would be imparting good or indifferent news.

Give yourself time to develop credibility

You might find that a new client seems reticent during your first or second meeting with them; however, this is understandable when they aren’t yet familiar with you.

Developing trust with this client isn’t something you will be able to rush. Hence, be meticulous with every little thing you say to the client. Of course, you should also follow through what you tell the client you will do. Forbes notes that the personal touch does not replace “great work”.

Respond as quickly as possible to clients’ emails

The client might occasionally email you with a question to which you don’t know the answer. However, you should still delay as little as possible in acknowledging the email. You might be able to find the answer for this client, given time; so, don’t be afraid to tell them so.

The client will be comforted that you have acknowledged their request and shown at least a willingness to help.

Focus on clients who have previously helped you

Given the difficulty that attempting to win over a new client can pose, you might not be too surprised to see us emphasise your need to focus on existing clients.

However, you could go even further by targeting more of your promotional efforts specifically at those clients who regularly bring you the most business. Your sales staff could undertake Key Account Management training, where they can learn how to put such a principle into action. Call 020 3859 0707, and you can learn more about our KAM training offerings.