Sales is a vocation in which “you often need to brush yourself off and keep on going”, according to Forbes. It is certainly true that, when prospecting potential customers, you must have a thick skin and a will of steel. Most of all, you must learn how best to approach a customer and convince them that your product is the one for them. Below we have compiled some ways to make sure that your pitch is perfect and that your sale will be successfully closed.


One of the glorious elements of working in sales, though it may not sound it, is the opportunity to interact with customers directly, even face-to-face. It might appear a daunting task—recent data suggests that less than a quarter of sales emails are opened, and it may take nearly twenty phone calls to reach a prospective customer—but being able to make a more personal connection to your customer may be the making of a successful sale. In being present and available, you open up a dialogue with your customer. You can converse with them, and they with you; and consequently you can modify your pitch to appeal personally to them.

The Pitch

Every salesperson should have a template of a pitch prepared to apply to any customer that they connect with, to relieve the pressure on themselves and to ensure that any essential information is shared with the customer. However, when communicating with specific clients, it should also be possible to alter your pitch slightly in order to suit the requirements of the customer. Buyers today have the means to research and educate themselves on products more than ever, which means that different customers may well come with different concerns and interest in different aspects of the product. In pitching a product, a salesperson should know their stuff, and be ready to answer any question and tackle any approach. As we at Frosch Learning have noted before, “[tailoring] your customer service will prove that you care about the customer’s wants and needs.” By taking an interest in your client, you can skilfully adapt your pitch to meet their needs, and foster a relationship with a potential returning customer.

Closing the Deal

When the time feels right, and the customer is pleased, you’re ready to close to deal. There are several sales closing techniques that can be learned and utilised, but the most important thing is confidence in yourself and your client. Maintain the open and personalised dialogue you have established with the customer as you negotiate this closing. Listening to the client, and alleviating any last concerns or doubts they have, is more necessary than ever here: letting them speak will mean that they begin the negotiation, and will reassure them that they are being heard. It is also important, after the initial discussion, to follow up with the customer later on; according to Forbes, as many as 80% of deals are made and finalised in the follow-up. Most of all, this shows the customer that you are reliable and dedicated to ensuring their satisfaction.