We at Frosch Learning know that a business is not a single unit but the sum of many parts—a living, breathing organism that, from the managers to the sales teams to the customers themselves, is working towards a common goal. So those in leadership positions must understand the importance of happy employees for a successful business. Our courses offer in-depth all the tools one would need to be the best manager possible, but here we will discuss some of the do’s and don’ts of motivating employees that leaders should make a note of.

Do: Create A Pleasant Environment

In both a literal sense and a social and personal one, a pleasant environment is essential to an employee’s comfort, drive and satisfaction in the workplace.  As this article by Square says, having surroundings that are “aesthetically pleasing, well-lit, functional, and fun” will keep your employees relaxed and at ease while at work, with the right, up-to-date equipment and an atmosphere in which to thrive. Similarly, ensuring that your employees are happy, feel respected and well-treated, and have positive relationships with management and colleagues can only further contribute to an environment in which they can flourish and continue their hard work.

Do: Show Employees You Care

As stated above, a warm and welcoming working environment will do wonders for your employees’ motivation. In order to maximise productivity and output, it is an essential responsibility as a manager to relate to your employees and foster your business as a place of respect and consideration. This not only means taking into account business-wide policies and the satisfaction of all your employees but also looking at yourself and how you can create a good experience for your colleagues in the workplace. Forbes notes that“[as] leaders, we need to stay mindful of the examples we’re setting. Just physically being there, and being approachable, is a great start — but it extends to nearly every way you express yourself and your esteem for your employees.” To succeed in this, this ideally includes being approachable, giving employees opportunity to express their own thoughts, and giving them room to grow and progress in their own unique ways.

Don’t: Insist Only On Compliance

Harvard Business Review uses the metaphor of dangling a carrot from a stick to illustrate this next point: “Leaders are […] encouraged to rely on the carrot versus stick approach for motivation, where the carrot is a reward for compliance and the stick is a consequence for noncompliance. But when our sole task as leaders becomes compliance […] chances are we’re the only ones who will be motivated.” In other words, driving employees to do the most work rather than examining how they feel and how that affects the quality of their work may negatively affect your employees’ motivation. The carrot may force them onwards, but not forwards.

Don’t: Be Unforgiving With Mistakes

It is part and parcel of all facets of life that you will make mistakes—even if you’re the boss. As Frosch has commented before: “Accepting that individuals can make mistakes will promote more trust with your staff who may be struggling with an issue of their own, too.” The best thing we can do in the workplace is to always improve ourselves, together.